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In Darkness - one step closer to an Oscar

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 19.01.2012 08:40
Agnieszka Holland’s Holocaust drama In Darkness is one of nine films on a preliminary shortlist for a Best Foreign Film award in the category announced by the US Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

In Darkness: Zebra Film Studio

The other candidates represent Iran, Germany, Israel, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Morocco and Taiwan and have been selected from a pool of sixty three films.

The shortlist will be reduced further to five nominated films in the Best Foreign Film catogary.

According to many critics, the Iranian feature ‘A Separation’, directed by Asghar Farhadi, is likely to be the Polish entry’s main contender for an Academy Award.

‘In Darkness’ is based on the true story of Leopold Socha, a Polish worker in Lvov who sheltered a group of Jews in the sewers of Nazi-occupied town. He is first seen burgling a house with his pal.

When they see some of the Jews escaping from the ghetto into the sewers, they agree to hide them for money.

With the passing of time Socha’s motives become purer and eventually he becomes passionate about protecting the Jews. (mk/pg)

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